Longest Palindrome Length
The program must accept a string S as the input. The program must print the length of the longest palindrome that can be formed with the consonants in the string S as the output. Note : At least one consonant must be present in the string S. The string S contains only lower case alphabets. Boundary Condition(s): 1 <= Length of S <= 10^4 Input Format: The first line contains the string S. Output Format: The first line contains the length of the longest palindrome in the string S. Example Input/Output 1: Input: abcdeedb Output: 5 Explanation: The longest palindrome can be formed with bbddc (The order can be any but the length is 5). Example Input/Output 2: Input: racecar Output: 4 Solution:- #include<stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char str[1000]; scanf("%s",str); int hash[26]={0}; int count=0,c2=0; int len=strlen(str); ...